Sri Rajarajeshwari Ashtakam with Meaning

Sri Rajarajeshwari Ashtakam with Meaning visit
Sri Rajarajeshwari Ashtakam with Meaning

Sri Rajarajeshwari Ashtakam with Meaning:

Rajarajeshwari Ashtakam is composed by Adi Shankaracharya.The goddess Rajarajeshwari, also known as Amba, or Parvati, Kameswari or Lalitha Tripura Sundari or Durga, is the wife of Lord Shiva and exists in various divine forms. She is the most splendid form of the Cosmic Mother. She is the true divine queen of all kings (Rajarajeshwari), the merciful protective energy of the Cosmos. It is intensified with care, love, mercy and grace. Two of hers most powerful and excellent forms are Durga (goddess out of reach) and Kali (goddess of destruction).

Sri Rajarajeshwari Ashtakam in Sanskrit/Devanagari:


अम्बा शाम्भवि चन्द्रमौलिरबलाऽपर्णा उमा पार्वती
काली हैमवती शिवा त्रिनयनी कात्यायनी भैरवी .
सावित्री नवयौवना शुभकरी साम्राज्यलक्ष्मीप्रदा
चिद्रूपी परदेवता भगवती श्रीराजराजेश्वरी .. १..

अम्बा मोहिनि देवता त्रिभुवनी आनन्दसंदायिनी
वाणी पल्लवपाणिवेणुमुरलीगानप्रिया लोलिनी .
कल्याणी उडुराजबिम्ब वदना धूम्राक्षसंहारिणी
चिद्रूपी परदेवता भगवती श्रीराजराजेश्वरी .. २..

अम्बा नूपुररत्नकङ्कणधरी केयूरहारावली
जातीचम्पकवैजयंतिलहरी ग्रैवेयकैराजिता .
वीणावेणु विनोदमण्डितकरा वीरासने संस्थिता
चिद्रूपी परदेवता भगवती श्रीराजराजेश्वरी .. ३..

अम्बा रौद्रिणि भद्रकालि बगला ज्वालामुखी वैष्णवी
ब्रह्माणी त्रिपुरान्तकी सुरनुता देदीप्यमानोज्वला .
चामुण्डा श्रितरक्षपोषजननी दाक्षायणी वल्लवी
चिद्रूपी परदेवता भगवती श्रीराजराजेश्वरी .. ४..

अम्बा शूलधनुः कशाङ्कुशधरी अर्धेन्दुबिम्बाधरी
वाराहीमधुकैटभप्रशमनी वाणी रमासेविता .
मल्लद्यासुरमूकदैत्यमथनी माहेश्वरी चाम्बिका
चिद्रूपी परदेवता भगवती श्रीराजराजेश्वरी .. ५..

अम्बा सृष्टविनाशपालनकरी आर्या विसंशोभिता
गायत्री प्रणवाक्षरामृतरसः पूर्णानुसंधी कृता .
ओङ्कारी विनतासुतार्चितपदा उद्दण्ड दैत्यापहा
चिद्रूपी परदेवता भगवती श्रीराजराजेश्वरी .. ६..

अम्बा शाश्वत आगमादिविनुता आर्या महादेवता
या ब्रह्मादिपिपीलिकान्तजननी या वै जगन्मोहिनी .
या पञ्चप्रणवादिरेफजननी या चित्कला मालिनी
चिद्रूपी परदेवता भगवती श्रीराजराजेश्वरी .. ७..

अम्बापालितभक्तराजदनिशं अम्बाष्टकं यः पठेत्
अम्बालोलकटाक्षवीक्ष ललितं चैश्वर्यमव्याहतम् .
अम्बा पावनमन्त्रराजपठनादन्ते च मोक्षप्रदा
चिद्रूपी परदेवता भगवती श्रीराजराजेश्वरी .. ८..

.. इति श्रीराजराजेश्वर्यष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ..

Benefits of Sri Rajarajeshwari Ashtakam:

Sri Rajarajeshwari Ashtakam gives the blessing of  goddess and knowledge, protection against all kinds of suffering (and evils), and finally attain liberation, the most goal. high what it must be achieved.

Sri Rajarajeshwari Ashtakam in English:

Sri Rajarajeshwari Ashtakam Lyrics in English :

Amba shaambhavee chandramauleer amala aparna uma paarvathi

Kaali haimavathi shiva trinayani kathyaayanee bhairavee |

Savitri navayauvana shubhakari samraajya lakshmeepradhaa

Chidhroopi paradevathaa bhagavathi sri rajarajeshwari || 1 ||

Amba mohini devatha tribhuvani ananda sandhyaayini

Vanee pallava paani venu muralee gana priya lolini |

Kalyanee uduraja bimba vadana dhoom raaksha samhaarini

Chidhroopi paradevathaa bhagavathi sri rajarajeshwari || 2 ||

Amba noopura rathna kankanadharee keyoora haaraavalee

Jaathee champaka vaijayanthi laharee thraiveyakai raanjitha |

Veena venu vinodha mandithakaraa veeraa sane samsththithaa

Chidhroopi paradevathaa bhagavathi sri rajarajeshwari || 3 ||

Amba raudhrini badrakali bagala jwaalaa mukee vaishnavi

Brahmanee tripuraanthaki suranutha dhedheepyamaanojwalaa |

Chaamundaa sritha raksha phosha janani dhaakshaayani pallavi

Chidhroopi paradevathaa bhagavathi sri rajarajeshwari || 4 ||

Amba shoola dhanu: kushaang kushadhari ardhendhu bimbaadharee

Vaaraahee madhukaitaba prasha mani vaanee rama sevitha |

Malladh yaasura mookadhaithya thamanee maheshwari chaambika

Chidhroopi paradevathaa bhagavathi sri rajarajeshwari || 5 ||

Amba srushti vinaasha paalanakari arya visham shobhitha

Gayathree pranavaaksharam rutharasha poornaanusandhee krutha |

Ongaaree vinathaasuraarchithapadaa udhdhanda daithyaapaha

Chidhroopi paradevathaa bhagavathi sri rajarajeshwari || 6 ||

Amba shashvatha agamaadhi vinutha arya maha dhevatha

Ya brahmaadhi pipeeli kaantha jananee ya vai jagan mohini |

Ya pancha prana vaadi repa jananee ya chithkala maalinee

Chidhroopi paradevathaa bhagavathi sri rajarajeshwari || 7 ||

Amba palita bhaktaraja manisham ambashtakamyah pathet

Ambalola katakshaveeksha lalitam aishvarya mavyahatam |

Amba pavana mantra rajapatanat andhesamokshapprada

Chidhroopi paradevathaa bhagavathi sri rajarajeshwari || 8 ||

|| Iti Sri Rajarajeshwari ashtakam sampoornam ||

Sri Rajarajeshwari Ashtakam Meaning:

O Mother Ambaka(O Mother Amba), O Shambhavi (Kameshwari wife of Shiva), You are adorned with a crescent moon on forehead, You do not eat even leaves as food in fasting, You are known as Parvati, Kali, Haimavati and Shiva, You have three eyes, and You are known by the names Katyayani and Bhairavi, O Savitri, You are forever young. O the bestower of auspiciousness, You bestow kingdom and wealth (unto your devotees), You are eternal bliss, You are above all, You are the Supreme Goddess, and You rule the Lords as Rajarajeshwari. || 1 ||

O Mother Ambaka, O Mohini (having enchanting form), You reside in all the three worlds and grant eternal bliss. You are the speech (Vani), and You like the music and song played by the flute of Krishna, You are auspicious, Your face resembles the reflection of the Moon, You killed Dhumralochan (a demon) by burning him to ashes just by Your mere shout, You are eternal bliss, You are above all, You are the Supreme Goddess, and You rule the Lords as Rajarajeshwari. || 2 ||

O Mother Ambaka, You are shined with gems, stones and bracelet, You wear a garland made of Keyura, and Your neck is adorned with a wavy garland made of Jasmine, perfumes and pearls, Your hands are adorned with a lute and flute for merriment, You are seated in the Virasana Yoga posture, You are eternal bliss, You are above all, You are the Supreme Goddess, and You rule the Lords as Rajarajeshwari. || 3 ||

O Mother Ambaka, You appear in frightening form of Raudrini and Bhadrakali, You are Bagala, Jwalamukhi, Vaisnavi, and Brahmani, You vanquish the three worlds, You are worshipped by the Devas, and You are radiant, O Chamunda, You are the mother Who adorns, protects and nurtures all, You are Sati or Daksayani (Daughter of Daksha), You are eternal bliss, You are above all, You are the Supreme Goddess, and You rule the Lords as Rajarajeshwari. || 4 ||

O Mother Ambaka, You are wielding a monodent, a goad and a bow, You have a crescent moon on the forehead, You are Varahi, You destroyed the demons Madhu and Kaitabh, and You are honored by Saraswati and Lakshmi, You vanquished Malla and Mooka demons, You are Maheshwari and Ambika, You are eternal bliss, You are above all, You are the Supreme Goddess, and You rule the Lords as Rajarajeshwari. || 5 ||

O Mother Ambaka, You alone create, destroy and nurture the world, You are Arya (of noble birth), You are devoid of adornment, You are Gayatri, You are full of the nectar of the Pranavakshara “Om”, and You have separated the heaven and the earth, You are Omkari, Your feet has been adorned by the Garuda (son of Vinata), You punish the imbecile demons, You are eternal bliss, You are above all, You are the Supreme Goddess, and You rule the Lords as Rajarajeshwari. || 6 ||

O Mother Ambaka, You are revered (bowed) by treaties, You are Arya, You are the greatest Lord. That Who gives birth to everyone (from Brahma and the others to the smallest ants); that Who entices the world; That Who gives birth to the five types of Pranava syllables (like OM); and that Who is the art of intellect; You are that One, O Mother, Who is adorned with a garland. You are eternal bliss, You are above all, You are the Supreme Goddess, and You rule the Lords as Rajarajeshwari. || 7 ||

Those who read these eight stanzas on Amba (Mother), which is staying continuously with the devotees of Amba, which is a result of the glance of the eyes of the Mother, and which has all the wealth absorbed in it, Will receive Moksha from Her Who is eternal bliss, Who is above all, Who is the Supreme Goddess, and Who rules the Lords as Rajarajeshwari, by the means of reading this best among chants. || 8 ||

Thus ends Shri Rajarajeshwari Ashtakam.

Sri Rajarajeshwari Ashtakam Lyrics in Telugu:
॥ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వర్యష్టకమ్ ॥

॥ అథ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వర్యష్టకమ్ ॥

అమ్బా శామ్భవి చన్ద్రమౌలిరబలాఽపర్ణా ఉమా పార్వతీ

కాలీ హైమవతీ శివా త్రినయనీ కాత్యాయనీ భైరవీ ।

సావిత్రీ నవయౌవనా శుభకరీ సామ్రాజ్యలక్ష్మీప్రదా

చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ ౧॥

అమ్బా మోహిని దేవతా త్రిభువనీ ఆనన్దసందాయినీ

వాణీ పల్లవపాణివేణుమురలీగానప్రియా లోలినీ ।

కల్యాణీ ఉడురాజబిమ్బ వదనా ధూమ్రాక్షసంహారిణీ

చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ ౨॥

అమ్బా నూపురరత్నకఙ్కణధరీ కేయూరహారావలీ

జాతీచమ్పకవైజయంతిలహరీ గ్రైవేయకైరాజితా ।

వీణావేణు వినోదమణ్డితకరా వీరాసనే సంస్థితా

చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ ౩॥

అమ్బా రౌద్రిణి భద్రకాలి బగలా జ్వాలాముఖీ వైష్ణవీ

బ్రహ్మాణీ త్రిపురాన్తకీ సురనుతా దేదీప్యమానోజ్వలా ।

చాముణ్డా శ్రితరక్షపోషజననీ దాక్షాయణీ వల్లవీ

చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ ౪॥

అమ్బా శూలధనుః కశాఙ్కుశధరీ అర్ధేన్దుబిమ్బాధరీ

వారాహీమధుకైటభప్రశమనీ వాణీ రమాసేవితా ।

మల్లద్యాసురమూకదైత్యమథనీ మాహేశ్వరీ చామ్బికా

చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ ౫॥

అమ్బా సృష్టవినాశపాలనకరీ ఆర్యా విసంశోభితా

గాయత్రీ ప్రణవాక్షరామృతరసః పూర్ణానుసంధీ కృతా ।

ఓఙ్కారీ వినతాసుతార్చితపదా ఉద్దణ్డ దైత్యాపహా

చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ ౬॥

అమ్బా శాశ్వత ఆగమాదివినుతా ఆర్యా మహాదేవతా

యా బ్రహ్మాదిపిపీలికాన్తజననీ యా వై జగన్మోహినీ ।

యా పఞ్చప్రణవాదిరేఫజననీ యా చిత్కలా మాలినీ

చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ ౭॥

అమ్బాపాలితభక్తరాజదనిశం అమ్బాష్టకం యః పఠేత్

అమ్బాలోలకటాక్షవీక్ష లలితం చైశ్వర్యమవ్యాహతమ్ ।

అమ్బా పావనమన్త్రరాజపఠనాదన్తే చ మోక్షప్రదా

చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ ౮॥

॥ ఇతి శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వర్యష్టకం సమ్పూర్ణమ్ ॥