Bhagya Suktam Lyrics Pratah Suktam

Bhagya Suktam Lyrics Pratah Suktam with Meaning Visit
Bhagya Suktam Lyrics Pratah Suktam with meaning

Bhagya Suktam Lyrics Pratah Suktam with Meaning

Bhagya Suktam remains one of the hymns of significance, chanted for performing Homas or Yagnyas , the fire rituals, to seek the blessings of Lord Bhaga, as a representative of Surya Bhagavan, the Sun God for prosperity and well-being.The god Bhaga finds mention in the Vedas, but not in the Puranas.

Bagya Suktam is a Vedic hymn. This is dedicated to God Bhaga, who remains one among the 12 Aadityas, the sons of the Vedic Goddess Aditi. These Adityas represent the various forms of Surya, the Sun God, and Bhaga remains one of them.

The term ‘Bhaga’ also carries the meaning, good luck, fortune, and affluence. Hence, Bhagya Suktam, pronounced as Bhaagya Suktam, is hailed as a hymn seeking good fortune and prosperity. Bhaga also presides over marriage, and so, it is also chanted for blessings for a happy and successful marriage.The term Suktam is used to refer to a hymn (a set of mantras or verses) that appears in any of the Vedas. The mantras in the Vedas are each associated with a rishi (seer), a deva (god) and a chandas (a poetical meter).

Bhagya Suktam, the 41st Suktam of the 7th chapter of Rig Veda, consists of 7 Mantras. This Suktam is associated with sage Vasishtha Maitraavaruni and principally addresses God Bhaga, who is also referred to in the Vedas. However, its different Mantras are in different meters. In addition to the Rig Veda, Bhagya Suktam also appears in Atharva Veda as Kalyaanaartha Prarthana Suktam, the hymn praying for the wellbeing of the marriage. This hymn occurs again in Taittiriya Brahmana of Krishna Yajurveda and remains part of the prayers for the sanctification of water, known as the Udaka Shanthi Mantras.

Bhagya Suktam principally remains the invocation of the dawn and hence is also known as the Praathah Suktam, the morning hymn. It begins with the seeking of the blessings of various Gods as the day breaks, and it is believed that its chanting in the morning with sincerity and faith can make the day a blessed one for the devotees.This Suktam of 7 verses begins by invoking many deities, who remain the principal forces of nature and seeks their benevolent grace. Then, it speaks the greatness of Lord Bhaga and offers prayers to him for his blessings of wealth and prosperity, which it seeks particularly as the cattle, horses, and people in the form of good progeny, well-wishers, and followers.

Benefits of Bhagya Suktam:

Bhaagya Suktam, which is recited in the morning, begins the day by invoking several deities, seeking benevolence from the principal forces of nature. Thereafter, it goes on to praise god Bhaga, and prays to him for wealth and prosperity, particularly in the form of cattle, horses and people (would include progeny and followers).

People can chant this highly efficacious Bhagya Suktam, especially in the mornings with devotion and faith, and receive divine blessings for prosperity, fortune, happy and fruitful marriage, and all-round well being.

Bhagya Suktam Lyrics/Pratah Suktam in English with Meaning:

praatharagnim praatharindram havaamahe praatharmithraavarunaa praatharashvinaa
praatharbhagham puushanam brahmanaspathim praatah somamutha rudram huvema

We invoke in the morning (at dawn) the gods Agni (fire god), Indra (chief of the gods and also god of rain), Mitra-Varuna (two Aadityas – commonly considered as sun god and god of ocean respectively), the Ashvins (Nasatya and Dasra – the twin gods of health and medicine), Bhaga (deity of good fortune), Puushan (another of the Aadityas, a deity of nourishment), Brahmanaspati (the deity of prayer), Soma (the moon god) and also Rudra (the god of storm).

praatharjitham bhaghamugraṃ huvema vayaṃ puthramaditheryo vidharthaa
aadhrashchidyaṃ manyamaanasthurashchidraajaa chidyaṃ bhaghaṃ bhakshiithyaaha

In the morning we invoke the victorious and fierce Bhaga, the son of Aditi, the protector – that Bhaga, whom the poor, the proud one and the king, all seek out for.bhagha pranetharbhagha sathyaraadho bhaghemaam dhiyamudavaa dadannah
bhagha prano janaya gobhirashvairbhagha pranrbhirnrvanthah syaama

Bhaga, the master; Bhaga, who is propitiated by righteousness; may he give us prosperity and superior intellect. O Bhaga, fill our habitat with cattle and horses. O Bhaga, may we be bestowed with men and followers.uthedaaniiṃ bhagavanthah syaamotha prapithva utha madhye ahnaam
uthodithaa maghavan suuryasya vayaṃ devaanaaṃ sumathau syaama

May we be blessed with glory now (at dawn), during day light and in the afternoon. O Indra (maghavan), even at sunset, may we be looked upon favourably by the gods.

bhagha eva bhagavaanasthu devaasthena vayaṃ bhagavanthah syaama
thaṃ thvaa bhaga sarva ijjohaviithi sa no bhaga puraethaa bhaveha

May Bhaga verily be the source of affluence. O Gods, through him, may we be prosperous. All of us invoke you, O Bhaga. That Bhaga, shall be our advocate.

samadhvaraayoshasonamantha dadhikraaveva shuchaye padaaya
arvaachiinam vasuvidam bhagam no rathamivaashvaa vaajina aa vahanthu

To this religious ceremony (adhvara or yagna) of dawn – to this sanctified place, like dadhikraava (i.e., agni in the form of the divine horse), may the respected ones (gods) bring the hither side wealthy Bhaga to us, like the horse brings the chariot.

ashvaavathiirgomathiirna ushaaso viiravathiih sadamuchchanthu bhadraah
ghrtham duhaanaa vishvathah prapiithaa yuuyam paatha svasthibhih sadaa nah

May the deities of the dawn (who were invoked in the first mantra earlier above) make us blessed with horses, cows and heroic ones.

Propitiated with ghee and milk from all over, you (deities) protect us always with your blessings.

Bhagya Suktam Lyrics Sanskrit:

भाग्यसूक्तम् अथवा प्रातःसूक्तम् (ऋग्वेद ७.४१, ८.४७, १०.१६४.०५)

ऊँ प्रातरग्निं प्रातरिन्द्रं हवामहे प्रातर्मित्रा वरुणा प्रातरश्विना ।
प्रातर्भगं पूषणं ब्रह्मणस्पतिं प्रातस्सोममुत रुद्रँ हुवेम ॥१॥

प्रातर्जितं भगमुग्रँ हुवेम वयं पुत्रमदितेर्यो विधर्ता ।
आद्ध्रश्चिद्यं मन्यमानस्तुरश्चिद्राजा चिद्यंभगं भक्षीत्याह॥२॥

भग प्रणेतर्भगसत्यराधो भगेमां धियमुदवददन्नः।
भगप्रणो जनय गोभि-रश्वैर्भगप्रनृभि-र्नृवन्तस्स्याम ॥३॥

उतेदानीं भगवन्तस्यामोत प्रपित्व उत मध्ये अह्नाम्।
उतोदिता मघवन् सूर्यस्य वयं देवानाँ सुमतौ स्याम ॥४॥

भग एव भगवाँ अस्तु देवास्तेन वयं भगवन्तस्स्याम।
तं त्वा भग सर्व इज्जोहवीमि सनो भग पुर एता भवेह॥५॥

समध्वरायोषसोऽनमन्त दधिक्रावेव शुचये पदाय।
अर्वाचीनं वसुविदं भगन्नो रथमिवाश्वावाजिन आवहन्तु॥६॥

अश्वावतीर्गोमतीर्नउषासो वीरवतीस्सदमुच्छन्तु भद्राः।
घृतं दुहाना विश्वतः प्रपीनायूयं पात स्वस्तिभिस्सदा नः॥७॥

यो माऽग्नेभागिनँ सन्तमथाभागं चिकीर्षति।
अभागमग्ने तं कुरु मामग्ने भागिनं कुरु ॥८॥

ऊँ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः

Bhagya Suktam Lyrics Pratah Suktam in Telugu:

భాగ్య సూక్తం -ప్రాతః సూక్తం యజుర్వేదం

ఓం  ప్రాతరగ్నిం ప్రాతరిన్ద్రం హవామహే ప్రాతర్మిత్రావరుణా ప్రాతరశ్నినా |
ప్రాతర్భగం పూషణం బ్రహ్మణస్పతిం ప్రాతః సోమముత రుద్రం హువేమ ||

ప్రాతర్జితం భగముగ్రం హువేమ వయం పుత్రమదితేర్యో విధర్తా |
ఆధ్రశ్చిద్యం మన్యమానస్తురశ్చిద్రాజా చిద్యం భగం భక్షీత్యాహ ||

భగ ప్రణేతర్భగ సత్యరాధో భగేమాం ధియముదవా దదన్నః |
భగ ప్రణో జనయ గోభిశ్వైర్భగ ప్ర నృభిర్నృవన్తః స్యామ ||

ఉతేదానీం భగవన్తః స్యామోత ప్రపిత్వ ఉత మధ్యే అహ్నామ్ |
ఉతోదితా మఘవన్సూర్యస్య వయం దేవానాం సుమతౌ స్యామ ||

భగ ఏవ భగవాం అస్తు దేవాస్తేన వయం భగవన్తః స్యామ |
తం త్వా భగ సర్వ ఇజ్జోహవీతి స నో భగ పురఏతా భవేహ ||

సమధ్వరాయోషసో నమన్త దధిక్రావేవ శుచయే పదాయ |
అర్వాచీనం వసువిదం భగం నో రథమివాశ్వా వాజిన ఆ వహన్తు ||

అశ్వావతీర్గోమతీర్న ఉషాసో వీరవతీః సదముచ్ఛన్తు భద్రా |
ఘృతం దుహానా విశ్వతః ప్రపీతా యుయం పాత స్వస్తిభిః సదా నః ||

యో మా౭గ్నే భాగినగం సన్త-మథాభాగం చికీఋషతి |
అభాగమగ్నే తం కురు మామగ్నే భాగినం కురు ||

|| ఓం శాన్తిః శాన్తిః శాన్తిః ||